
At both the enterprise and the consumer levels, mobile computing devices – laptops, tablets, smartphones – are making their disruptive presence felt. The combination of rapid acceleration in data communication speeds and increasing computing power packed into the compact form factor of these devices have led to the emergence of a powerful Cloud-Mobile ICT infrastructure that is redefining how people use enterprise applications, do banking transactions, navigate their vehicles, monitor their vital parameters, make online purchases and remotely manage climate control and security of smart buildings.

SFO has been a leader in driving the adoption of mobile apps as the favourite point of interface for a wide range of industrial and business applications – right from executive dashboards for monitoring production and quality parameters from an SMT assembly line, through using AR and Bluetooth Low Energy beacons to facilitate in-campus navigation in sprawling Universities and healthcare complexes, enabling telemedicine by cloud-enabling diagnostic equipment and rendering radiological images on Universal Viewers on smartphones, capturing and rendering performance parameters of automobile systems from OBD devices, to real-time monitoring of delivery trucks & driver behavior in a logistics network. SFO has been value adding to our ODM offerings with our enormous competence in mobility.

SFO has a proven track-record in developing native, hybrid and web apps for popular mobile Operating Systems such as iOS, Android, etc, and leveraging on Blue-tooth/BLE/wifi/GSM/GPRS technologies to achieve connectivity with local devices, things, and cloud-based applications. Mobile apps also collect data drawn from internal sensors (GPS, accelerometers, proximity sensors, camera, etc) and external sensors mounted on wearables (fitness band, pendants) and personal accessories (shoes, bed, etc), update the same into cloud-based applications and perform data analytics using proven algorithms either locally or in the cloud to draw insightful conclusions.

Combined with our capabilities to design and manufacture embedded systems, SFO delivers an integrated solution where expensive industrial machinery or equipment can be IoT enabled and valuable insights derived from the data pumped into the cloud and insights rendered on the mobile device remotely using 3g/4g connectivity and responsive mobile apps. Such systems can be adapted for remote monitoring of assets (ATM network, compressor motors of running locomotives, industrial heavy duty pneumatic compressors supplied worldwide by a vendor, etc) and used for planning predictive and preventive maintenance.

MHealth is a rapidly developing factor in health care today, promising to make health care better and more efficient. It is a medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices. 83 percent of physicians in the U.S. already use mobile health technology or mhealth to provide patient care. A demonstrative project recently undertaken by SFO makes use of the SMART on FHIR platform, an e HR-agnostic platform, to develop apps that run predictive analytics algorithms to project probabilities of outcomes based on historical patient data.

Sample Projects