Electric Vehicle Chargers
In order to address the challenges faced in the scarcity of non-renewable energy resources and the effects of pollution, the automotive industry is looking towards electric vehicles. SFO Technologies offers EV Quick chargers and On-board chargers, across the Electric vehicle mobility segment. On the other hand, the dependency upon electronic devices is increasing drastically, where the need of power is being met only partially. An effective solution to meet the power needs is to have a power source on board.
With a unique design architecture, the Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions (EVCS) of SFO Technologies are tailored for US/EU/China/Indian markets. The EVCS from SFO Technologies perfectly adheres to the industry compliance standards from IEC, SAE and NEC.
Hardware Domain
- Hardware Design and manufacturing for:
- Control Electronics (MCU, DSC etc.)
- Power Electronics (PFC, DC-DC, Inverters etc.)
- Modular Design topologies
- Mechanical & Industrial designing
- Electrical and Mechanical Simulations and analysis.
- Compliance and Certification testing
Software Domain
- Expertise in SW development for
- Charger – Vehicle communication (PLC, CAN)
- Power Electronics coordinator
- User Communication (Wi-Fi, GSM etc.)
- EV Infrastructure Communication (OCPP)
- Mobile Apps for EV users (Android/iOS)
- Power electronics control algorithms (PFC, DC-DC etc.) for High efficiency and rapid response for multiple power levels.
- Algorithms for data analysis and simulation in stationary and synchronous domain control topologies (Clark Transform, Park Transform, dq0 transform, SPWM, SVPWM etc.)
- Control and Monitoring SW for Battery Management with Fault Diagnostics.
- Autocode, Modeling, Simulation and analysis for Digital Power Control applications (MATLAB).
- EV Protocols (SAE – J1772, GB/T, CHAdeMO).