April 2019
BHGE Supplier Excellence Award 2k19!
SFO has once again won the “Supplier Excellence Award” from Baker Hughes GE during their India Supplier day on 9th Apr 2019. Mr. Althaf Jehangir received the award from the Baker Hughes a GE company (BHGE) is an International Industrial service company and one of the world’s largest oil field services companies. Cheers to the entire team for this big, repeated achievement!

Jan 2019
SFO becomes the first company to be appraised at CMMI Dev v2.0 ML/5
SFO Technologies has become the 1st Company in the World to be appraised at CMMI V2.0 Maturity Level 5. The CMMI institute, USA had permitted appraissals as per the new model of the revised CMMI standards to commence only from 1st Jan 2019, and SFO was confident enough to face the stringent appraisal process on the first day itself. The achievement has vindicated SFO’s commitment to quality and continual improvement, a key differentiator that is highly appreciated by our Fortune 500 clientele.

September 2018
Awards Duo Endorsing Our Business Excellence and Quality!
SFO Technologies has been selected for the First Prize for Outstanding Achievement in “Business Excellence /Large Scale”, and also for the Second Prize for Outstanding Achievement in “Quality/Large scale”, by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (ELCINA), on all India level, for the year 2017-2018. The awards will be received by our team at the 43rd ELCINA-EFY Awards ceremony to be held on this Friday, 14th September, 2018. These awards are in addition to the First Prize for Outstanding Achievement in “Exports/Large Scale” won by SFO, earlier this year. Congratulations to the entire team for this big achievement.

March 2018
Collaboration Award from GE..
SFO Technologies was conferred the “Collaboration Award” at One GE India Supplier Conference in Pune on 06 March 2018 in recognition for the timeless service the SFO teams showcased in multiple GE projects. The award was received by Mr. N. Jehangir, Vice Chairman & MD and Mr. Althaf Jehangir, Executive Director & CEO, Manufacturing Operations.

December 2017
The Special Recognition Award from Divgi
SFO Technologies was conferred a Special Recognition Award by the Divgi TorqTransfer Systems for the design & development of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) for Transfer Cases used in Russian SUVs. The award was received by Mr Franklin George, GM, Transportation Business Unit of SFO at Divgi’s Annual Supplier Conference held in Pune, Maharashtra. SFO has been intimately associated with the Divgi Group for more than 10 years as a design, engineering and manufacturing partner for various automobile transmission control systems.

November 2017
NeST Technology Day 2017
The event, held in November, 2017, showcased the technology competence of the various teams of NeST IT and SFO Technologies and included a Panel Discussion – by the technology SMEs of each team, Product Demo – of software applications, integrated (hardware+ software) products developed for the various OEM customers, digital technology skills (IOT platforms, mobile and cloud apps, Machine Learning & AI-integrated solutions, etc.

October 2017
Enhancing skills through Acquisitions
SFO Technologies completed two acquisitions as part of our rapid growth strategy using inorganic means also. The first one involved the entire business of Eastern Engineering Company Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, a high end Precision Machined Components Manufacturer incorporated in 1972, with a factory space of 5500 sq. feet and a team size of over 100 plus with 30 clients across eight countries catering to customers in healthcare, aerospace and defence, energy, oil & gas and general engineering industries. The second was the acquisition of ICAM Solution Private Limited, incorporated in 2000 with a factory built up area of 1700 sq. mtrs, providing multiple solutions in the areas of Manufacturing, High Level Assembly including Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Assemblies, Testing and Finishing Operations for Healthcare, Fire and Security and Electronics General Engineering industries.

September 2017
ELCINA-EFY Awards 2016-17
SFO won the Certificate of Merit for outstanding achievements in R & D as part of the ELCINA-EFY Awards 2016-17 from the Electronics Industries Association of India. Mr Lovesh Gaur, VP(Business Development), received the prestigious award from the Chief Guest, Mr. Ajay Prakash Sawhney, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & IT, Government of India at the glittering Ceremony held at New Delhi on September 2017.

February 2017
Aeroshow 2017
SFO Technologies, who has been pioneering the Make-in-India concept from 1990, participated in the prestigious Aero India 2017, held at the Air Force Station, Yelahanka, Bangaluru, India from 14 – 18 Feb, 2017 and demonstrated our latest generation Fly-by-Light Solutions.

September 2016
Mr N Jehangir, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, NeST Group, received the “Entrepreneurial Excellence Award”, at the ELCINA -EFY 2015-16 Awards presentation ceremony conducted in the India International Centre, New Delhi. Apart from this, SFO also received the awards for “Outstanding Achievement in Exports/Large-scale”, “Outstanding Achievements in “Quality/Large Scale” (Second Prize), and “Business Excellence” (Special Certificate of Appreciation)” at the event. Shri P. P. Chaudhary, Honourable Minister of State for Electronics & IT, was the Chief Guest at the function and Guest of Honour, Smt. Aruna Sundarajan (IAS), Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & IT, distributed the awards.

Most Innovative Supplier Award
SFO Technologies was conferred the “Most Innovative Supplier Award” by Honeywell on the Honeywell-ACS supplier day. Mr. Althaf Jehangir, CEO and Executive director, NeST Group, received the award from Mr. Tim Clark, Director, ACS Global Sourcing, in the presence of Mr. Ravindra, Sourcing-Leader.